Reduce global CO2 levels at scale
We believe in the power of technology and science and in the drive of people
We believe in the power of technology, science and the drive of people. By cleverly combining these, we develop revolutionary solutions that accelerate positive impact on the energy transition, the circular economy and the climate.
Together with a close-knit team of experts and partners, we develop technologies that:
Remove substantial amounts of CO₂ from the atmosphere and permanently store it.
Convert waste streams into valuable raw materials, circular energy like green gas and clean water.

What do we need to accelerate?
Reward CO₂ Removal
While CO₂ emission avoidance is penalized, removing CO₂ from the atmosphere isn't rewarded. Establishing a reward for CO₂ removal as well will increase the impact.
Promote the Use of Circular Gas
Conversion of non-biogenic waste streams , such as industrial sludges, results in circular gas. The circular gas can be used as an feedstock for the chemical industry, preventing CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels.
Goals for 2030
1 billion m3
Green and circular gas production with SuperCritical CleanUp.
2 megatons
Annual negative CO₂ emissions with CO₂ CleanUp. Starting from 2030.

Our solutions
SuperCritical CleanUp
Renewable gas and powerful waste disposal.